2022: Discover, Collect, You can't infect!
2021: Personal Pandemic Profiler ♥
2020: VD Survival Menu ♥
2019: Special Notice from the AAG ♥
2018: Mindful Harassment ♥
2017: Curent Events
♥ 2014: OkieCupid.com ♥ 2012: occupy vd ♥ 2011: do you belieb? ♥
♥ 2010: retard love ♥ 2009: be mine ♥ 2008: singles rehab cruiseline ♥
♥ 2007: slut slots ♥ 2005: extreme makeover edition ♥
2004: mad love ♥
♥ 2003: martha's human heart handbook ♥
2001: a tribute to hallmark cards ♥
©2005 suzi
The information transmitted should contain offensive material and is
not intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed.
Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking
of any action by persons or entities other than the intended
recipient is patently encouraged. All recipients are asked to
forward this message and thank the sender by not perpetuating the
fabrication of holidays by publishing conglomerates or the further
fabrication of noses for those who have undergone excessive cosmetic
surgery. The sender of this message and creator of the materials to
follow offers no apology to Hallmark Cards(r), Extreme Makover(tm),
The Swan(tm), I Want a Famous Face(r), E! Doctor 90210(c), or to the
Michael Jackson(c) fan club or fans in general. The sender strongly
encourages all recipients to explore the fine line between
self-improvement and self-hatred.
happy V.D.